
The Snarky Company

Created by Snarky Co.

Snarky, cheeky, and witty enamel pins – for all your tongue-in-cheek moments.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Camera Pin is Unlocked!
over 6 years ago – Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 12:37:24 AM

Thanks to some really awesome backers today, one of my favorite pins is now unlocked. Take My Picture, which is the camera pin, is now unlocked, and were only $100 away from unlocking the rosé pin. The stretch goals are unlocking faster than I can post them. We're still working on that 20th design, but it should be out this week. 

We also added two new pledge levels. There is now a wholesaler pledge level for anyone owning a business where they want to sell the pins. I personally wanted to make a pledge level that was really crazy, so i've added a pledge level called "it'll never happen" It comes with some pretty rare perks.

Unlocked Pins and New Designs
over 6 years ago – Sat, Sep 22, 2018 at 12:28:15 PM

Hey guys, 

Today when I woke up we had reached 6K, which means the Stay High pin is now unlocked. Only another $300 to go before we unlock the camera pin which is one of my favorites. 

There are now 17 unlocked pins to choose from, with two more pins still to be unlocked. There is also a second freebie goal that has yet to be unlocked. I've decided to make a total of 20 different designs, so there's still one more pin to be added to the stretch goals. I don't have a 20th design already in my arsenal so it's something I've been thinking about, and i'm hoping to get it figured out this weekend. 

The 10% off promotion from my last update is still up and running, with quite a few backers who have already taken advantage of it. 

- Liz

Refer a Friend – Get $$$
over 6 years ago – Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 06:40:08 PM

Hey backers, 

First of all, thanks again for supporting this campaign. Second, we're going to offer a little promotion. 

┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘✧

The promotion goes like this:

If you refer a friend and they pledge towards this campaign, you will receive 10% off your entire order, this includes any add-on items you select in your survey. The friend you refer has to have pledged after 09/20/2018, meaning it can't be someone you know who also pledged previously. 

If you refer a friend and they pledge, please contact me directly to give me their full name and the level they pledged at. When I confirm that they have pledged, I will make a note on your order that you will receive this discount. Your discount will be reflected in your BackerKit survey when the campaign ends. 

You can refer with the follow link, but really any link is fine:

Here's the fine print: which isn't really fine because I can't make the text any smaller. The person you referred must have a completed pledge at the end of the campaign. For example, you can't have a friend pledge and then cancel at the last minute. They also can't pledge, have their card declined, and then let the payment expire. This 10% discount only applies to the merchandise your purchase, and not your shipping fees. This promotion is only limited to 20 backers, and it's first come first serve. The first 20 people to take advantage of this promotion will receive the discount. The person you refer also has to pledge into a level that is $10 or more. Snarky Co. doesn't like cheaters, so don't cheat the system.

The Rosé Pin
over 6 years ago – Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 10:07:59 PM

Hey guys, 

We've added another design to bring the total to 19 different pins. I'd like to make it to 20 different designs, but it's a work in progress. 

Today i'm introducing The Rosé Pin. At a work dinner I noticed a couple of my co-workers were into Rosé wine, and I asked if they wanted a rosé pin. We ain't basic so we didn't make a "Rosé All Day" pin, we made a snarky rosé pin. 

We really want to unlock all the designs so you guys have all the choices!!

If you love this campaign and want to spread the word, spread it like you spread that jam on your toast. Share it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email or text message, Reddit, Tumblr, MySpace, or the bathroom wall at your local dive bar. Use the below link!

If anyone you referred with this link pledges to the campaign, contact me directly with their full name and pledge level, and in return i'll throw you some freebie stickers! (not the sticker pack, but different sticker designs we are working on)

Which Pins Will You Choose?
over 6 years ago – Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 08:05:52 PM

Hey backers, 

If you have a quick minute, can you take a short survey. I'm trying to get an early count of the quantity of each pin that I will need to order. This will help me prepare the order for the manufacturer so that I can produce your rewards faster. While the estimated delivery date is February 2019, i'm aiming to try and send out rewards in January. 

Take the survey here. 

