The Surveys are here!
over 6 years ago
– Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 05:15:03 PM
Hey Guys,
The surveys have been released. Everyone should receive their survey by the end of today. If you do not receive the survey within a few days, please contact support, or message me privately through Kickstarter.
Just a few dates to keep in mind:
November 10th – is the lock down date. This means that we will lock your order and you will no longer be able to make changes to your order. The only thing you can change on a locked down survey is your address. The deadline isn’t a strict deadline, and if you need to, you can still fill out your survey after the deadline, but this may affect when your rewards ship out. In other words, you might not receive your rewards at the same time as everyone else, but at a later time.
November 14th – Is the day we will charge your cards for any add-on times in your survey, or for any pre-orders. Once your order has been charged, you won’t be able to change anything on your order. We will notify you before we charge your cards, and before we lock down the order. Once your order has been locked down and charged, there are no refunds or exchanges. (Please see our FAQ or Kickstarter page to see our refund policy)
If you have any questions about how to fill out your survey you can contact support in the survey, or you can contact me through Kickstarter.
A Note About Locking Backs
over 6 years ago
– Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 03:25:19 PM
As backers have been filling out their surveys, I can see that a number of you have added on locking backs. Locking backs are awesome because they ensure your pin stays on your jacket, backpack, shirt, etc. This wasn't noted on the add-on description, but keep in mind that the majority of the pins have two posts. The reason most of the pins have two posts is so that they stay in place, oriented in the direction they are supposed to be viewed at.
The only three pins with one post are:
- It's Not Me: both the purple and rose gold
- I love Me Pin
If you ordered a pin and then only added one locking back, make sure that is has only one post.
Survey Update and Patches and Pins Expo
over 6 years ago
– Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 02:14:42 AM
Hey everyone,
Thanks for being patient while we prepare your surveys. Some of you may have already received your survey in a smoke test. A smoke test is where we send out surveys to a small batch of backers, just to make sure everything is working correctly. The smoke test is going well so we should be sending out all the surveys by next Monday or Tuesday.
The other cool news is the San Francisco Patches and Pins Expo. If you're local to SF, on October 20th there is a pins expo at Spark Social in Mission Bay. We'll be there selling some of our very first pins and stickers. We were only able to get three of our designs manufactured and sent to us in time for this expo, so if you're local to SF you can come and check it out. It's also free admission, so if you're into patches, pins, and stickers, it should be a great event.
New Photos and Survey Updates
over 6 years ago
– Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 11:50:07 PM
Hey guys,
I'm starting to slowly receive some of the items from the manufacturer. Right now I don't have a macro lens (a lens that gets very very close to small objects) so I tried to take some pictures with my DSLR and 58mm lens as best I could. Every pin will still come with a premium backing card, however, I think we are going to switch to square cards. After testing out our first batch of backing cards, we think the pins will look better on a nicely designed square card. We also received a few of the first stickers from the printer. Check out the photos below.
I just wanted to mention again that your surveys are coming! We are working to get everything ready in BackerKit, so we should be sending surveys sometime next week. Since the campaign is over, Kickstarter should have charged your card for your pledge, but we still have a few backers with failed pledges. Kickstarter gives you about 7 days to fix your failed pledge, and after that they will cancel your pledge. If you have any questions feel free to reach out!
A Successful Campaign and The Third Freebie Goal!
over 6 years ago
– Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 12:37:06 AM
Thank you to everyone who supported this project! I can’t wait to start producing these products and shipping them out to you guys.
What now?
Kickstarter will collect the funds you pledged during the campaign. If your payment fails Kickstarter will give you seven days to fix your payment. If you cannot fix your payment within those seven days, you will still have the opportunity to fix your payment in your BackerKit survey later on.
Kickstarter holds the funds for about two weeks before they are distributed to me, but once they are, I can start getting orders ready for the manufacturer.
Please be patient, I promise your surveys are coming. In 1-2 weeks you will receive a survey where you you will be able to select which pins you want, purchase any add-on items, and add your shipping information.
If you know anyone who wasn’t able to pledge during the campaign, but is still interested in items from this campaign, they can checkout our pre-order store. If you pledged on Kickstarter already, please do not place an order through the pre-order store, as you will see all these items in the add-ons section of your survey.
Since the campaign has now ended, it’s time to let you guys know what the third freebie goal is. The the third freebie goal is an enamel keychain, which you can check out below.
Thanks again to all of you who supported this project!