Photos and Manufacturing Updates
over 6 years ago
– Thu, Nov 08, 2018 at 01:04:36 AM
I have one update about the manufacturing of two pins. There was a misunderstanding with one manufacturer about the amount of posts on the back of two of the pins. The Takeaway pin, and the Stay High pin, will now only have one post on the back. I'm letting you guys know so that you can adjust any locking back add-ons in your survey. I prefer two posts on a pin, to ensure they stay tight and in place where I want them. However, when it comes to circular pins, I've found it to not be a big deal when the post is located more towards the top. (these posts will be in that spot)
Today I also received progress photos from the manufacturer. They are making good progress and they should have the pins done by December. Check out below for some progress photos, and follow our instagram @snarkyco to see even more progress photos and new designs. Also keep in mind that the survey deadline is coming up on November 10th!
Below are the 5 pins that will only have one post.
- It's Not Me: both the purple and rose gold
- I love Me Pin
- Takeaway
- Stay High
Survey Deadline and Shipping Timeline
over 6 years ago
– Tue, Nov 06, 2018 at 11:48:35 PM
Hey Guys,
This is just a reminder that surveys will be locked down on November 10th. Then on November 14th, cards will be charged for any add-on items.
The reason we lockdown the surveys is so that we can get final counts to ensure that we have ordered enough of everything. Once your survey is locked down, you won't be able to make any changes to your order. If you miss the deadline, no worries, you can still fill out your survey, but your shipping timeline may be delayed.
The estimated date for this project to begin shipping was supposed to be the beginning of February. However, since we have started production earlier than expected, as well as ordered all the shipping and packaging materials, we expect to ship your orders in early to mid January. The pins are set to arrive in December, but we'll be quite busy with our full time jobs, trips back home to see the family, and the holidays. Once the holidays are over our plan is to get to business and start fulfilling orders. I'd say i'm pretty sure that we will be shipping in January, but you never know because sometimes there are unforeseen circumstances.
In the meantime we will keep you updated with production photos, timeline changes, or other relevant information. We also post alot of photos and updates on our instagram stories, so if you're not following us, you should!
ig: @snarkyco
If you have any questions, or have not received your survey, please reach out to [email protected]
Survey Update
over 6 years ago
– Fri, Nov 02, 2018 at 01:17:34 AM
Just a reminder that the survey lockdown is coming up. The estimated date to lock orders is November 10th, and the estimated date to charge cards for add-ons is November 14th. If you haven't received your survey or can't find it, please search your email and spam folders, or email [email protected].
If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out.
LA Pin Convention, A New Pin, and Future Projects
over 6 years ago
– Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 08:41:20 PM
On December 15th there will be a Patches and Pins Expo in Los Angeles. The Snarky Company will be a vendor at the convention. If you're local to LA and would like to pickup your order at the convention, this may be possible, depending on what is in your order. Not everything is being manufactured by December, so depending on what's in your order, we may or may not have it. If you are interested in local pickup in LA, please message me privately.
We wanted to make a pin just for the LA convention, but we liked it so much we're throwing it into the pre-order store. Check out our new "Keep on Rollin'" pin below.
If you've filled out your survey, then you've probably seen the survey question that asks about what themes or subjects you'd like to see for future projects. There was an overwhelming response for kink and sex related topics, mental illness and mental health, and for LGBTQ+ and advocacy. (there was also alot of cat themed ideas....) I can 100% guarantee that we do have a mental illness and health awareness campaign that will hopefully launch in January. We've been busy with the current project, but during what little downtime we have, we are creating more pins for the "OYS" campaign. I also love both ideas of sex positive pins, and of pride pins. I would love to launch a pride project in January, so that you can all have your pride pins by June, but I can't guarantee this will happen. We will try our best, but a pride related project is only in the initial brainstorming phase.
Just a reminder to get your surveys done as soon as you can. You guys are awesome, keep on keepin' on.
Kickstarter Funds and Surveys
over 6 years ago
– Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 12:07:28 AM
Hey everyone,
Today Kickstarter emailed me to let me know that they distributed the funds. It will take a few days for the funds to hit our bank account, but as soon as they do we can start production. I have already put together quantity estimates to send to the manufacturers and they have already replied with quotes. Things seem to be moving faster than expected. I can't make any promises but we may be able to fulfill orders before February. We will keep you updated along the way.
If you have not filled out your survey, please do so as soon as you can. The faster I get the final quantities the faster I can start production. If you have not received your survey, are having trouble with it, or have any general questions, please reach out [email protected].